Dispute Resolution

To resolve a dispute you need to understand it.

What it’s about? What is driving it and what is bogging it down?

Resolution comes once you’ve found the right key!

At Ede Family Law we pride ourselves in getting to the heart of what has brought you to this point, so we can give you the targeted help you need to move forward. This won’t be the same for everybody and we have expertise in a broad range of options to best assist you in resolving your situation.

If you and your ex need help in reaching agreement on parenting issues, the law usually requires you to participate in mediation before starting any formal court proceedings. This is called Family Dispute Resolution or FDR and it is usually a really important part of working through the issues that are preventing agreement. You can read more in the Dispute Resolution section on the FAQs page.

When negotiating financial issues, sometimes this will involve mediation, or a collaborative process. Other times it will be a round table conference or else more traditional negotiation through correspondence. It all depends on you, your ex and your overall situation. There is no denying that some situations require an independent decision maker and in those instances we will work with you to thoroughly prepare your case for hearing, whether by the appropriate Court or in arbitration.

We will advise and support you through all the steps of this process, to ensure you are prepared and confident about what to expect. 

We take a straightforward and thorough approach with our clients to ensure they understand their options and what is involved in each of them. We ensure they are not taken by surprise no matter how they are approaching their family law situation. We firmly believe there is too much at stake to be anything other than completely transparent.

But before putting you into any of these processes, first we will work with you to ensure you know what matters, and what doesn’t. You will go into whatever process is right for you thoroughly prepared, supported and ready to give it the best possible chance of success. If staying out of Court we will also ensure that your situation is paired with the right mediator, facilitator or arbitrator to deal with the issues you are facing, and maximise your chances of resolution.

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Parenting after Separation

Financial and Property Settlements


Separation and Divorce